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Elipse P100 Source Control Respirator Mask with replaceable filters, no exhalation valve

Elipse P100 Source Control Respirator Mask with replaceable filters, no exhalation valve

Price: $100.00
Sale Price: $60.00 each

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Availability: In Stock
Product Code: C-EP100

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Elipse P100 Source Control Respirator Mask with no exhalation valve

The Elipse P100 respirator, manufactured by GVS, is growing in popularity in the healthcare industry since the recent pandemic. Medical, dental, and pharmaceutical workers use it around the world. Weighing less than 5 oz., the P100 is made of soft material and consists of multiple adjustments ensuring a firm, comfortable fit for every user. This respirator has 2 filters comprised of mechanical type multi-layer HESPA™ Synthetic media with TPE overmolded/encapsulated. It has NIOSH approval and efficiency greater than 99.97% at 0.3μ particulate.

The Elipse P100 Respirator is not only a safe, reliable, compliant solution - it is also very cost effective. This respirator is only $29.95 and is re-useable for up to 5 years! .

  • Nasal area has a ridge which prevents the respirator from slipping or leaking, and glasses from fogging.
  • Sleek and considered profile ensures the user always has a clear and unobstructed line of sight.
  • The soft material molds to the contours of the user’s face to ensure a customized fit and feel.
  • Adjustable straps with four-point harness.
  • Face piece includes two filters pre-installed.
  • Can be worn with multiple items of PPE, such as safety glasses, earmuffs, grind visors, and weld visors without interfering with the level of respiratory protection.
  • Available in two sizes: S/M & M/L.
  • Soft medical grade TPE material is hypoallergenic, odor free, latex free and silicone free.
Read more about the material in the Technical Specs Tab
For product brochures and technical data sheet, go to the
Literature Tab

What is the importance of "no exhalation valve?"
The exhalation valve is covered to prevent the user from exhaling air in front of them onto a patient. With the Elipse P100 respirator, when you inhale, air comes in thru the back of the filters, and when you exhale, air travels out thru the back of the filters again, blowing out behind you past your ears. This is very important with the onset of coronavirus and has been a primary concern with PPE in hospitals.

Do I change the filters?
There is no required time to change filters, but the filters should be sterilized in autoclave or replaced when it becomes hard to breathe. Replacements are available for purchase and on AutoShip. Ask your Duraline rep. for price discounts or call 1-877-561-0500

Read FAQ's Tab for more.
Q. What does "no exhalation valve" mean? I see it in the picture, the circle on the front center of the mask.
A. Good question! There is a valve on the front, as you see, but it is covered to block airflow in or out of the mask.

Q. Why is this important?
The exhalation valve is covered to prevent a user that is sick but Asymptomatic from exhaling air onto a patient. This is very important with the onset of coronavirus and has been a primary concern with PPE in hospitals.

Q. If the exhalation valve is covered, and mask fits the contours of my face, then how do I get air?
A. In the Elipse P100 respirator, when you inhale, air is captured on the front of the filter and when you exhale, air travels out of the filter.

Q. How many filters are in the Elipse P100 Respirator?
A. 2

Q. How frequently do I change the filters?
A. There is no required length of time to change filters; it is up to the users preference. Our customer feedback ranges anywhere from 2-4 weeks (healthcare industry). Filters can be disinfected and sterilized in a steam autoclave for up to 10 cycles! So the filters are reusable too.
Contact Duraline for more information on cleaning and sterilizing your Elipse P100 and filters

Q. Where can I buy filters? Can it be any filter?
A. Replacement filters must be specific to the Elipse P100. These are available for purchase on Duraline Systems - call us to set up AutoShip and receive discounts at 1-877-561-0500 or
email us

P100 Filters for Elipse P100 Source Control Respirator Mask, 10 per pack
Price: $212.98 per pack

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P100 Filters for Elipse P100 Source Control Respirator Mask, 10 per pack

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